InVisible Cities
documentary | DCP / FullHD | colour | 5.1 / stereo | 62' | 2020
Hadi and Talaat -12 and 18 years old- are two brothers and Syrian refugees living in Freiburg. For the past two years they have been living here alone and together, waiting for the rest of the family to reach them in Germany. In this time of suspended life, Laura enters with her camera their almost completely male-populated universe. The encounter triggers memories and projections and rises questions about intimacy and growth. Torn between different roles and cultural models, the two brothers try to give shape to the men they are becoming. And if Talaat is now ready to embrace his new life, Hadi seems to be silently asking for something deeper and reenacting through Laura the relationship he misses. A few months later, back home, Laura begins to re-elaborate what happened and realises through the images of those days that she has been a character of the story herself.
a film by _ Laura Bianco
produced by _ Berenice Film / Marco Longo / Fulvio Lombardi
camera and editing _ Laura Bianco
sound editing e mixing _ Tommaso Barbaro
sound editing assistant _ Jonathan Stilo
sound post-production _ Fullcode
coloring _ Simone Mazzoleni
production assistant _ Elena Melloncelli
"Attempts at dialogue #1", group screening curated by MAGMA, Casa Altona, Milano (Italy), 2023
Visioni Italiane festival, Bologna (Italy), 2021
Filmmaker Festival - “Prospettive” section, Milano (Italy), 2020

Young for Young Award - Visioni Doc section, Visioni Italiane, 2021
Movie People Award - Prospettive section, Filmmaker Festival, 2020